Trouble shotting HomeKit pairing issue
You may encounter “Accessory Not Found” error while trying to pair a HomeKit accessory in Home app.

There are some requirements for a HomeKit accessory to be pairable:
- It’s highly recommened to upgrade iOS device to latest system version
- A HomeKit accessory can only be paired to a single iOS device
- There is no problem with bluetooth communication between iOS device and bluetooth HomeKit accessory
- The iOS device and network based HomeKit accessory must connect to the same router
You can checking items below to trouble shooting.
Is the HomeKit accessory powered and work properly
The HomeKit accessory must be working fine to be pairable to Home app. Please check the LED of the accessory is on.
Observe if the Home Center’s LED is green and is always on. Click its reset button once quickly, observe if its LED trun yellow
Click wall switch’s button, observe if it’s turnning on or off
Touch smart lock’s screen, observe if it’s turnned on
Check if device is shown in nearby devices in Home Apple to determine whether the device is running
- In the Apple Home App, click the Add button in the top right corner
- Tap “Add or scan accessories”
- Click more options (newer than iOS 15) or “I don’t have or can’t scan code” (below iOS 15)
- Check whether there is desired type of accessory shown to confirm whether the device is running
Has the HomeKit accessory been paired before
A HomeKit accessory can be paired by only one iOS device, based on security concern. If a accessory has been paired before, it will not be visible as new accessory in Home app.
Please reset the accessory to factory default state to make sure HomeKit pairing information is cleared, by following instructions in product manual.
Bluetooth type accessory
Some of Terncy products support Bluetooth/ZigBee dual mode. Consult How to distinguish between ZigBee and Bluetooth mode to make sure the accessory is in bluetooth mode. If it’s in ZigBee mode, it has to be paired in Terncy system via Home Center.
Please make sure the bluetooth is turned on in iOS device, and they’re not too far away from each other.
It’s also helpful to reboot your iOS and try again in some circumsstance.
Network type accessory
Terncy Home Center connects to HomeKit via network. It’s important that your iOS device is connected to the same router as Home Center. When not sure, please use an App named Discovery to assist you.
If all your HomeKit accessories that has already paired via Home Center are shown no response or offline, please also follow steps below to diagnose if it’s caused by network error.
- Search with keywork “mdns” in app store, look for the Discovery app and install it
- Launch Discovery, check if there is an entry named _hap._tcp
- Click _hap._tcp item, see if there is an entry named like the format of Terncy-123456
- Click Terncy-123456 item, check if the entry sf’s value is 1, means it’s available for pairing. If it’s 0, means it has been paired to a Home
The IP address of Home Center is displayed on top of Discovery tool, which is in the image above. Then go to Settings - Wi-Fi, and tap the exclamation mark to the right of current connection on iPhone, to find out its IP address, see if it’s in the same network subnet (should be something like 192.168.1.xx).
The Home Center is only available in Home App when all the conditions above are success. If item 2 or 3 failed, it’s very likely the Home Center isn’t connected to the same router as iOS device.
- Tap “Add or scan accessories”